finally it’s christmas! the annual festivity of family, food, goodies, presents, alcohol in individual amounts and lying around almost half dead with stuffed bellies.
that’s the time of the hobby, amateur and wanna-be-pro runners (sorry for all you real pros, the following does not totally apply to you). the hob, amat, and w-b-p runner eat without second thoughts. they make use of the emptier streets. they enjoy running while there’s daylight outside. and finding a present that makes them happy is as easy as putting a fish back into water or throwing the dog a bone. to all you troubled runners wifes out there: instead of the black boss business socks or a tie, make it a pair of loeffler or ergee running socks or headband with ear patches, and your present plays in a totally different league, with a 90% probability it’ll be a home run. ok christmas is gone for this year, write it down for the next and apply the trick to birthdays, namedays, farther’s days, race days, sundays… you name it!
the queen got it right. a pair of winter running socks to alternate with the only pair of running socks currently in daily use and in constant need for a wash. a pair of summer running socks that are so thin and sleek, that they could perhabs even get race status (i.e. become part of the holy ritual of race preparation, where everything has to be perfect).
also a second present, the free skating part so to speak, makes the runner happy. through constant training the blood pressure seems to be lower and the outer extremities turn cold quite easily, e.g. at the pc @ work. or is it the downturn that let’s the employer put a hand on the thermostat? anyway, don’t care no more with these good looking wrist warmers.