micke-midlife on December 28th, 2009

271220091A week back with the old crowd again. Well, the only one old in this group is me. The young stars, Stefano who specialized this year on 2:31h marathons (Rotterdam and Berlin) and Hannes the 5000m rocket (14:20min or so), put on a tough program for this week. It should go beyond 100km and include athletic circuit training indoors, too. Let’s see how my old bones and muscles are keeping up.

The interesting thing is that an age difference of 10 or 11 years shouldn’t be severe at all. Just read in the book “Born to Run” something on a study made on New York Marathon results. If marathon runners start from the age of 19 or 20 years old. They build up their form over on average 8-9 years and peak at somewhere between 27 and 29 years of age. Guess, at what age they have deteriorated that much that they reach the same level of results that they had at age 19/20?

It’s surprisingly far out. Apparently at 64 or 65. It would be interesting to understand more on this study, but before over analysing it, it sounds good to me. Let’s give those young guys a run for their money ;-)


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