micke-midlife on April 10th, 2009


And the winner of the GnL raffle is…

Bob Radenbaugh

The winning lot was drawn yesterday evening April 9th using a highly scientific method. All 60 correct answers got assigned a number according to the chronological order of replies coming in. All numbers were put in a blue salad bowl. And the lil’ princess drew the winning lot. With all the mango puree being delivered at a constant interval the same time, she was a bit in a hurry and her focus slightly distracted from this honorary appointment. She accidentially picked three. But since the salad bowl indicated food, we counted only the one that arrived in her mouth.

Interesting to note was that the raffle page was viewed about 650 times but only 12% of viewers decided to take part in it. Perhaps some didn’t like the shoe, although the majority of answers on the “current question” in the sidebar indicate that the cushioning of a running shoe to protect ankles and knees is one of the if not THE major criteria for a running shoe. And that’s where the GnL shoe is really best at. In case you know retailers who are interested in re-selling this shoe, let us know here on 400days. The online shop is found here.

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