micke-midlife on November 23rd, 2008

week 13 reminded of a rollercoaster ride. monday after work, emergency call from home, the little one screams and no one knows why. by the time i arrive at home it turned out that the shoes and gloves haven’t been warm enough, feet and hands got cold on the way home from day care. well, well, most probably not the last time the little one will get cold feet in her life, perhaps daddy gets less of a shock next time. anyway, the positive side of it, running wasn’t deleted off the evening schedule. and it was good monday night - a fartlek with an average of 4:11min/km, that’s a crisp pace - not so much due to the little one’s screaming escapades but rather due to the fact that we did only basic runs on the weekend.

tuesday, wednesday, was a fall back to the previous week. only little motivation and unsuccessful interval runs. no good at all. thursday and friday were intentionally kept light in order to get the bet out of yesterday’s 10k test race and win back motivation through that. it seems it worked in the end. the race showed improvement over the previous test. and motivation is back.

sunday, although a relaxed run was on schedule, it was family and car tyre changing time. just in time before the winter said hello with a big bang. the snow on the picture on the left came down in 5 hours. week 14 will see a lot of running in the snow until it’ll turn to sludge towards the end of the week. today we had a rest from running, it was deserved.

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